Stay Cool at Work and Home

Whether you’re relaxing at home or busy at work, there are some special tips to consider during the summer months to help you reduce energy costs and protect the health of your family and employees.

A few things to consider:

1. Energy Star and smart cooling: Did you know that upwards of 20 percent of your utility bill is spent on cooling? This can be even higher depending on your industry sector. A few tips for managing cooling expenses include using Energy Star appliances and lighting and raising the thermostat temperature by two degrees in areas that do not require a specific setting.

2. Use gas wisely: Drive the speed limit; avoid rapid accelerations and quick braking; don’t carry unnecessary weight and eliminating engine idling will improve your gas consumption rates.

3. Working outdoors? Use insect repellents: Depending on your location, mosquitoes and ticks can be a major health concern during the warm weather months. Help to keep your family and workers safe by making sure proper insect repellent is used when working outside.

4. Don’t waste water: A large amount of water is used outdoors for commercial and residential landscaping and when smart watering techniques are ignored, you’re letting money float down the drain! Consider using weather-based automatic sprinkler systems or watering early in the morning.

5. Test indoor air: When temperatures rise, more time is spent indoors. Make sure your ventilation system is properly working, free of dust and debris, and without mold or moisture. A properly working system is more efficient and will ensure good air quality for all occupying the space.

WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Whether you’re at work or home, take the time to make sure everyone is safe and healthy. You’ll not only enjoy the summer more but save money at the same time!


Zero-energy Building

A popular new trend in residential and commercial building construction is zero-energy or zero net energy building. A zero energy building is one without any energy consumption or carbon emissions. Zero energy buildings are often “off the grid” in terms of energy supply and instead generate all energy on-site utilizing technologies such as solar and wind power. Zero energy construction is becoming increasing in demand as the cost for traditional fuels such as natural gas, oil, and coals continue to increase and consumers are looking for alternatives that have less of an impact on the environment.

Most traditionally built homes and commercial spaces use over 40% of all energy consumed in the US. While zero energy buildings are still relatively uncommon in the US, they are steadily gaining in popularity as the design has great potential for reducing carbon emissions, reliance on fossil fuels, and drastically cutting annual energy costs.

Achieve zero energy may be a challenge depending on the geographical location of the building. Those areas that require heating or cooling for several months during the year have a better chance of achieving a ultra-low energy usage status when the overall living size space is kept small. Additionally, some building may develop a surplus of energy during certain months which can then be used to offset more energy intensive times of the year.

WasteCare Wants You to Remember: While zero energy buildings may be a new concept, it’s worth being informed about. Consumers are always looking for ways to save money on energy costs and being familiar with zero energy construction may help you to help your customers!

Build Green and Reduce Waste

Green architecture’s primary objective is to reduce energy, water, and materials waste during construction with an overarching goal of reducing the amount of construction waste ending up in landfills. Buildings that are designed using green architecture principles also reduce the amount of energy used and waste generated by incorporating solutions such as maximizing natural lighting and on-site compost bins.

In an effort to reduce the amount of construction wood that ends up in landfills, Neutral Alliance offers resources for any interested person or business needing information on wood recycling and reclaiming building materials. Extending the life of wood and other building materials reduces the need for landfill space while providing affordable, needed materials to those individuals and businesses with limited incomes.

Green architecture also incorporates solutions to lessen the impact on waster sources. Some of these include greywater re-use systems and rainwater collection to reduce demand for water as well as on-site biological waste collection systems that are used in the creation of fertilizer. Both have show effective in reducing the load placed on central sewer systems and water sources.

WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Building green starts with a thoughtful, well designed plan. Before your next residential or commercial construction project, consult with a green architect or learn more about the topic. By incorporating these practices you can reduce your costs for waste disposal and help to preserve the environment.

What is Green Building?

Green building, which is also called sustainable building or green construction, is used to describe a residential or commercial building that utilizes resource-efficient and environmentally responsible practices throughout all stages of the building’s creation.  This includes the design process, actual construction, daily operation and maintenance, and any renovation or deconstruction work that takes place.

As green building is a very popular topic with increased demand in construction and renovation project, new practices and technologies are constantly being generated. However, whether the practice or product is new or old, the common objective for all green buildings is that they reduce their impact on the environment and human health contributing to a better quality of life.

These enhancements are done by considering the following:

  • Efficiently using resources such as water and energy
  • Protecting the health of residents or employees utilizing the building
  • Reducing all waste and pollution generated by the building and inhabitants

Green building is designed to meet the residential and commercial needs of the present generation without degrading the environment for future generations.

WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Green building is in demand. Has your business opened its doors to this important development? Both your bank account and the environment can benefit from it!

Reduce Your Waste And Save

The best way for a business to reduce their generated waste is to cut back on how much waste is generated. By cutting back on waste generation, businesses can help to save our natural resources and cut their costs for waste removal and disposal. Cutting back on the amount of waste we generate is essential as the average amount of waste generated per person has increased to almost four and a half pounds each day.

Think about the product or service your business provides and identify where waste might lie in your design, manufacturing, purchasing, or service process. Redesigning product packaging to use less materials, eliminating the use of certain toxic or hazardous materials, or making changes in office procedures (eliminating a printer, mandating recycling…) are all strategies known to be effective in reducing waste. When you reduce your cost to manufacture or deliver a service, that means a larger profit for your business. Increased profits can then be used to reward employees or be passed along to the consumer in terms of lower pricing.

From a business perspective, it’s almost impossible to eliminate all waste, however, for the waste that is generated, see if there are options in your community for donation and re-use of unwanted materials. There are many places around the country designed for re-selling construction and demolition refuse – instead of paying for disposal of these items, you’re business can donate them and save some money instead!

WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Keep your business running lean and effectively. Periodically check your systems and see where “waste” might be accumulating. You’ll be surprised what you might find!

U.S.- Mexico Border Waste Initiatives

If you live or do business along the border of the United States and Mexico you may be interested in getting involved with the Border 2012 Environmental Program.This is a collaboration between the Mexico and the U.S. to address and re-mediate the deteriorating environmental conditions in the area and protect and enhance the quality of life and health for the 12 million people of both countries who live and work in the region.

Border 2012 encourages stakeholder involvement through a variety of opportunities for both individuals, civic and non-profit groups, and businesses of all sizes. The group focuses on environmental improvements that can be made at the community-level and how seemingly small changes can impact a larger region.

While each community has different immediate concerns, there are six overarching goals that apply to all areas along the border. These goals are:

1. Reduce the Contamination of Water Sources
2. Air Pollution Reduction
3. Reduce the Contamination of the Land
4. Improve Overall Environmental Health
5. Improve Preparedness for Environmental Emergencies
6. Enhance Stewardship of all Environmental Areas

Task forces are set up in each area including residents, government, community groups, and business stakeholders so that all parties have say in addressing the issues and planning and enacting the solutions.

WasteCare Wants You to Remember: If you live, work, or do business in the border area, get involved in the work of Border 2012 – it will not only help to improve the quality of life of your employees and family but the environment as well.

Air Duct Maintenance and Cleaning

If you are responsible for maintaining indoor air quality and heating and cooling systems, whether in residential or commercial buildings, maintenance of air ducts is a routine part of your work.  While cleaning air ducts hasn’t been shown to prevent health issues, having air ducts that are dirty can contribute to those particles (pollution, dirt, toxins…) being found in indoor air. When is it time to clean or even replace air ducts? Consider the following:

  • Is there mold on the inside of the sheet metal ducts or on other parts of the heating and cooling system? As some sections of the system may be difficult to inspect, a qualified service provider may required. Any substance that appears to be mold should be sent to a laboratory for testing and analysis. If your air ducts contain insulation that is moldy or wet, it should be removed and replaced immediately. If mold is not properly removed and the space treated, growth will reoccur.
  • Have ducts become infested with insects, rodents, or birds? This can cause potential health problems if not removed and treated.
  • Are ducts excessively clogged with dust, debris, or other matter? Excessive amounts of particles in the ducts can reduce the effectiveness of the system and result in particles entering the indoor air stream.

WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Taking care of your heating and cooling systems can reduce your energy costs. By also periodically reviewing the air ducts you can identify issues before they become expensive to repair!

Recycling Industrial Hazardous Waste

If your business involves hazardous waste, it’s important to be aware of both the legal and regulatory issues as well as the environmental ones for toxic and harmful materials. The Environmental Protection Agency provides resources and best practices to assist businesses of all sizes with recycling and disposing of the hazardous wastes that are a part of their materials stream. Recycling practices for materials such as electronics, chemicals, and tires, are changing rapidly as new and innovative uses for these products are developed – so staying current in the latest news is to your benefit.

When you’re ready to start the process of recycling your hazardous waste, consider the following:

  • First, have a comprehensive understanding of how the state and federal government regulate the hazardous waste you have.
  • Find a recycler who is responsible and knowledgeable. Make sure they are qualified and permitted to handle hazardous waste, offer full disclosure for any prior contamination problems as well as compliance audits, and employ sound practices in both their financial management and waste screening.
  • Once you’ve found a recycler that meets your needs, periodically confirm that legitimate recycling is taking place.
  • Participate in the EPA’s WasteWise program which is designed to help businesses reduce their solid waste and cut disposal costs.
  • Monitor your business’s recycling success! Keeping track of your recycling efforts helps to measure your cost savings and is good public relations in your community.

WasteCare Wants You to Remember: When you adapt your practices to be more environmentally friendly and less wasteful, it shows your investors, employees, and clients that you will not put them in danger of violating regulations, incurring heavy fines, or receiving adverse publicity.

Before You Start Construction or Remodeling

If you are working on a new construction or remodeling project there are a few things to consider while in the planning stages to make the project as environmentally friendly and financially efficient as possible.

1) Develop a list of waste haulers and recycle’s in your area. Your local environmental or solid waste agencies should be able to provide this information.

2) Consider deconstruction as an option. In some areas, specific deconstruction auctions or marketplaces are utilized to resell usable materials.

3) Before purchasing new products check with your local salvage yard. They often offer good condition cabinets, doors, windows, and flooring for greatly reduced prices.

4) Take a look at the ReUse People website. This nonprofit organization is dedicated to salvaging and diverting reusable construction materials and providing them to low-income businesses, individuals, and families. Your unwanted waste stream materials can be used to do good in the world! If this organization isn’t active in your area, Habitat for Humanity is another option.

WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Taking time to consider what is the best course of action for waste materials from your next construction or renovation project is worth it. Instead of contributing to landfills, your unwanted materials can be sold to generate income or donated to assist those in need!


Greenscape Instead of Landscape

Why should you consider “GreenScaping” the land around your home or business? The green spaces where we live or work are ideal spots to relax and enjoy nature in an easy and affordable way. By taking proper care of these spaces we not only improve our health and quality of life but also the environment.

GreenScaping involves using landscaping practices to enhance the health and appearance of your green space while reducing or eliminating demand for harmful pesticides and water. Switching from landscaping to greenscaping can save you or your business money and labor over time while maintaining a beautiful place to enjoy the outdoors.

What are some ways to start?

1) Instead of paying to dispose of yard waste, use it to create mulch and compost to create that you can work back into the soil.
2) Select plants that are native to your area and ideal for your location.
3) Water at effective times.
4) Try natural pest management by attracting butterflies, birds, and other insect predators.

By incorporating greenscaping you will reduce or even eliminate water and chemical use and cut back on your time and labor for maintaining the area. As a result, there will be less chemical run-off into the water supply, more money saved, and increased time to enjoy your outdoor space!

WasteCare Wants You to Remember: When you work with nature, instead of against it, your outdoor space will be easier to care for, less expensive to maintain, and better for your family, employees, and wildlife!