A popular new trend in residential and commercial building construction is zero-energy or zero net energy building. A zero energy building is one without any energy consumption or carbon emissions. Zero energy buildings are often “off the grid” in terms of energy supply and instead generate all energy on-site utilizing technologies such as solar and wind power. Zero energy construction is becoming increasing in demand as the cost for traditional fuels such as natural gas, oil, and coals continue to increase and consumers are looking for alternatives that have less of an impact on the environment.
Most traditionally built homes and commercial spaces use over 40% of all energy consumed in the US. While zero energy buildings are still relatively uncommon in the US, they are steadily gaining in popularity as the design has great potential for reducing carbon emissions, reliance on fossil fuels, and drastically cutting annual energy costs.
Achieve zero energy may be a challenge depending on the geographical location of the building. Those areas that require heating or cooling for several months during the year have a better chance of achieving a ultra-low energy usage status when the overall living size space is kept small. Additionally, some building may develop a surplus of energy during certain months which can then be used to offset more energy intensive times of the year.
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: While zero energy buildings may be a new concept, it’s worth being informed about. Consumers are always looking for ways to save money on energy costs and being familiar with zero energy construction may help you to help your customers!