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Basic Steps for Composting
Establishing a formal composting waste program for leftover food
scraps and green, organic materials is something that is gaining
popularity and frequency in many municipalities and
neighborhoods in rural, urban, and suburban areas. A Composting
program can be an effective way to reduce waste disposal fees,
can contribute to replenishing the quality of soil, and helps to
save space in landfills for items that cannot be recycled.
However, before your city or town starts a composting program
for waste food and food scraps, it’s essential that some
research be done first.
Whether you’re starting a small composting program or a large
project, understanding and controlling these five composting
requirements will help to improve your chances for food waste
recycling success.
The first key to food composting success is to understand the
nutrient and feedstock balance. Successful decomposition of
organic matter requires a balance of “green” organic material
that is nitrogen-rich such as horse, cow, goat, chicken or other
farm animal manure, food waste and food scraps, grass clippings,
and “brown” organic materials that are carbon-rich such as wood
chips, branches, and dry leaves. Establishing the right nutrient
blend for your geographical location requires patience and
experimentation. If you get it right, you’ll have nutrient-rich
compost. If you get it wrong, you’ll send up with something that
resembles a bad-smelling pile of food waste!
The second factor to control for is the particle size. If you
fail to shred the compostable material the surface area won’t be
ideal for organisms to feast on and the breakdown will take much
longer or not at all. However, shredding material into very
small pieces will restrict the air flow and that can reduce the
composting process. Once again, you’ll need to experiment to
find what works best for your climate.
Moisture is also an important composting factor to remember. The
microorganisms living and eating their way through your compost
pile require moisture to survive. Depending upon the climate and
weather conditions in your region, occasional watering of your
compost pile may be necessary.
All living things require oxygen to survive and your compost
pile is a living thing. Regardless of the size of your compost
pile, it needs to be turned on a regular basis to monitor the
decomposition process and if necessary, adding in brown or green
It is helpful to monitor the temperature of the compost area as
microorganisms cannot survive when conditions are overly hot or
cold. Having an understanding of the weather and temperature
conditions will help you to plan the best place for a compost
pile and if additional support may be required during winter or
summer months.
Composting food isn’t quite as easy as disposing of food in the
garbage, but once you understand the science and requirements,
you can help to improve the environment while save your business
or municipality money by removing food waste materials from the
landfill. |
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