Michael Bloomberg, New York City’s Mayor is calling for a ban on all polystyrene foam containers used for restaurants and food storage, calling them “impossible to recycle” and a hindrance to the environment. He is challenging all New Yorkers to learn to live without them. Such a plan would first need to be voted on an approved by the City Council.
The Mayor also announced the launch of a city wide food scraps and waste collection program that will soon be piloted. The curbside recycling of food will start with homes on Staten Island and progress as participation research is collected and analyzed. If the program is a success and cost favorable, then it will be enacted throughout the five boroughs.
New York City buries over one million tons of food in regional landfills each year at an expense of eighty dollars per ton. Composting and diverting food waste will save the city substantial amounts of money.
In addition to the test program for residential trash pick up, all schools in the city will now participate in food recycling based on a successful test program in select schools last year.
Bloomberg would like to see the city’s recycling rate reach thirty percent by 2017.
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: What is your town or local government doing to keep taxes and expenses down? Do you know how much money is costs each year per person to dispose of food waste in your community? These are some great questions to ask at your next town council meeting!