Have you ever thought about how much waste you generate on an average day at work? Take one day and try to notice how many times you throw something into the garbage and how much energy is consumed (electricity, gas, oil…) as part of the workplace. If you find you’re surprised at how much waste there is, here are a few suggestions for improving your reduce, reuse, and recycle habits!
- Use double sided printing when you need to print out paper copies. If your work does require frequent printing, try to purchase paper that has a high recycled content in it.
- Get your employees and co-workers in the habit of viewing files on-line instead of automatically providing paper copies.
- Appliances of all sizes continue to draw electricity when they are plugged in but not in use. Make a habit of shutting off and unplugging any non-essential equipment at close of business. You’ll be surprised by the change in your power bill!
- Position office furniture near windows to take advantage of natural light and use energy-efficient light bulbs.
- Set up carpools or alternative transportation award system to assist employees traveling by public transportation. Install bike racks to encourage biking to work.
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: The easiest way to encourage change in the workplace is to get all employees involved. Make recycling simple and fun and you’ll start to see energy-savings and cost-savings!