WasteCare Corporation is your source for commercial trash compactors, balers, waste equipment, recycling equipment, industrial shredders and grinders, and other waste related products and services.
Sporting events and stadiums provide an excellent opportunity
to reduce waste and promote recycling.
A high volume of cardboard and beverage containers can be
diverted from the waste stream with a solid recycling program. Recycling Targets
– Concession areas are key to a successful stadium recycling
program. Concessionaries can easily collect and bale cardboard
for recycling.
Parking Lots
– Many stadium parking lots have designated tailgating areas,
which can generate large amounts of food and beverage container
waste. Consider
providing collection bags as attendees arrive. Attendees can
then leave their bags for collection by stadium staff.
Seating Areas – Most patrons consume food at their seats within stadiums,
leaving a large amount of waste in and around these areas after
events. Dedicating
stadium staff to cycles of pick-up sweeps can recover recycled
Janitorial staff can collect recyclables and trash in separate
Concourses – Because there is often not room for trash or recycling
receptacles in seating areas, place these at the entrances to
concourses and near restrooms.
The more convenient it is to recycle, the more willing
attendees will be to participate. Green Stadiums
Several sports stadiums around the country have been
recognized for taking extra steps in promoting recycling and
green practices within their facilities.
Citi Field
– When the Mets decided to build a new stadium, executives
dedicated themselves to decreasing waste, using recycled
materials, and implementing a recycling program, once the
stadium was built.
During construction, builders used over 2 million pounds of
recycled coal combustion and 12,000 tons of recycled steel.
Neyland Stadium
– The
Qualcomm Stadium – This stadium, located in
HP Pavilion – Located in
Beaver Stadium – This stadium starting its program over 15 years ago and
recycles over 100 tons of materials per year.
The stadium recently refocused recycling energies to
tailgaters and now give recycling bags to attendees.
This initiative nearly doubled their recycling rate.
In addition to saving on disposal costs, the stadium has
donated funds totaling over $54,000 from the sale of
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