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Easy Recycling Ideas for Businesses

Businesses of all sizes and types may be very different but all will have one thing in common – they will all produce material waste! The types and amounts of waste produced will change based on a number of individual factors. Some companies will only generate waste paper and water, a multi-unit apartment complex that hasn’t contracted for recycling services will be sending all materials to a landfill, and industrial or manufacturing based businesses dealing with hazardous materials will be required to follow regulated disposal rules. Regardless of the type of business, the kind of waste material generated, or the volume of the waste materials, removal and disposal costs must be factored into your annual expenditures. In order to reduce these expenses, waste reduction and recycling is essential.

While most business owners and managers understand the economic and environmental benefits of recycling, many do not take the time to ensure that everything possible is being done to maximize its value. Every single piece of waste that is generated by a business that fails to convert to revenue is costing the business money. Take a moment and look at the contents of your garbage dumpster. Are there good, re-usable construction materials that could be donated to a non-profit group?  Are scrap metals not being sold? Could there be a green-manufacturer interested in your plastic bottles?  The fewer materials you dispose of, the lower your disposal costs will be.

Making a commitment to reduce, re-use, and recycle doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated. Here are a few suggestions to get you thinking. Not all of these would work for every business but you might be surprised by what your employees or tenants would want to try.

Don’t be penny-wise and pound-foolish! Purchasing high-quality, well-made goods and materials will reduce waste and save money on purchasing replacements.

Don’t purchase materials that are not necessary to your business, product-line or service. Ignoring “sale pricing” on items that you don’t really need will save money and reduce what’s in your trash.

Avoid using toxic materials if you can. Hazardous materials require special disposal methods that inevitably cost more money.

Cut back on your heating and cooling costs and water usage. Shut office appliances off when they aren’t being used.

Cut back on paper waste materials by using email and printing on both sides. Cancel catalogs and other forms of junk mail.

Establish someone as a 'designated recycler' who oversees that all waste materials are being handled properly.

Have a “no-trash” day where employees are urged to make the effort to recycle and reuse everything.

As a business owner, it’s important that you make material waste reduction and recycling an important part of your business strategy. The results will not only show a dedication to the environment of your community but to your bottom-line savings! The more you can reduce, recycle, and re-use the better positioned you’ll be to spend money on plans to grow and enhance your business instead of paying it out at the landfill.


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