A recent research review conducted in New York State by the Product Stewardship Institute has shown that for residents and businesses, having easy access to computer and electronics recycling contributed to an increase in recycling of unusable and outdated equipment and a decrease in municipal spending.
The state’s electronic producer responsibility law went into effect in the spring of 2011 and in the first eight months of operations, e-waste recycling increased over seventy five percent for a total of forty four million pounds of scrap electronics. The law was designed to prevent hazardous materials found in e-waste from ending up in landfills and to shift the responsibility of collecting these materials from local governments back to the electronics producers and manufacturers.
As a result, New York’s e-waste recycling is a growing sector, creating employment opportunities and adding to the tax base. Municipalities are experiencing cost savings by accessing e-waste recycling through the required manufacturer programs instead of paying to collect and dispose of the materials.
However, there is still room for improvement. The report states that public awareness for take-back recycling program is still low and that more, convenient collection sites throughout the state would help to increase the recycling rate even more.
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Whether you’re looking to increase recycling in a state, town, or your small business, the important thing to remember is convenience. The easier and simpler it is for people to recycle, the easier it’ll be to encounter success!