The popular sandwich shop and restaurant chain Subway has recently announced its decision to begin using multi-sandwich catering trays manufactured using ninety five percent post-consumer recycled PET in its twenty nine thousand locations around the United States and Canada.
Subway officials anticipate that the decision to move to environmentally friendly trays made from recycled material will help to divert close to two million pounds of plastic waste materials from being disposed of in landfills throughout the region.
The decision to move to the new catering trays follows the decision last year of Subway replacing conventionally made salad bowls and lids with those made of post-consumer recycled PET materials. The company hopes to continue with its gradual shift of replacing less environmentally friendly restaurant materials with those that help to reduce the brand’s overall environmental footprint.
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Restaurants, deli’s, and sandwich shops have so many different options when it comes to reducing waste and increasing recycling efforts. From using post-consumer recycled products like containers and lids, to composting food waste, to setting up designated recycling bins for glass, plastics, and paper for customers, there’s many ways to reduce your environmental impact and save money on your waste disposal fees!