Green Buildings Reduce Waste

Why should you consider building “green” for your next home or commercial building project? Consider these statistics provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

In the United States, buildings account for:
39 percent of total energy use,
12 percent of the total water consumption,
68 percent of total electricity consumption, and
38 percent of the carbon dioxide emissions

By utilizing green building practices, owners can maximize both economic and environmental performance. Green construction methods can be integrated into buildings at any stage, from design and construction, to renovation and deconstruction. Potential benefits of green building include, but are not limited to quality of life enhancements such as :

Environmental benefits
Enhance and protect biodiversity and ecosystems
Improve air and water quality
Reduce waste streams
Conserve and restore natural resources
Economic benefits
Reduce operating costs
Create, expand, and shape markets for green product and services
Improve occupant productivity
Optimize life-cycle economic performance
Social benefits
Enhance occupant comfort and health
Heighten aesthetic qualities
Minimize strain on local infrastructure
Improve overall quality of life

WasteCare Wants You to Remember: While “green building” may be a new concept there are plenty of online resources to help you implements those practices that fit your construction project and budget. Making even a few changes can reap substantial benefits!