Tips in Recycling Cardboards

Article by Greg Pierce

Do you know the most effective method of recycling cardboards? The answer to this is a cardboard baling machine, which compacts waste cardboard and bundles it into bales. This not only makes your carbon footprint better but also economizes in the long run.

The latest designs for brand new cardboard baling machines in the market are very efficient and constructed of durable materials. Imagine the weekly cost of renting bins to store your cardboard waste, then you would have to pay for workers to arrange it in the bin, then again when they load it into the collector truck. It will come out more expensive than having your very own baling machine. The initial purchase may cost a lot but if you add up the weekly cost, it will even be higher. The machine itself also doubles up as a storage bin because the compacted material would create lesser space than normal. The latest balers are fully automatic, the bundling and compacting is done with a touch of a button, which reduces your usual baling time to more than half.

Unlike a bunch of loose cardboards which have to be stored under a roof, a compacted bale can withstand the elements so that you can just leave it exposed to the weather without any worries. Because of the tightness of the compacting process, the kindling point is lessened so that fire cannot easily consume a bundle. As a consequence, storage of the bales lessens the hazard of fire as compared to loose cardboards. This increases the safety of storage.

The dealer of the baler machine usually has connections with a local bale collector within your zone. The bundles are usually collected without any charges. Mill size cardboard bales can fetch good revenue for every ton. Smaller sized bales though can only afford a free collection. In some states, you can bring your bales to the local recycling factory, which may be exchanged for small revenues. Ask your dealer if they can set you up with these collectors.

Because of the compaction procedure, the instances of collection would occur much lesser. Take for example, when you used to pay for two 1100-liter wheelie bins for collection in a week. Now, you may only have three or four bales for collection in a month, and the collection is free. Thus, you have minimized the gas consumed by dustbin trucks. Hows that for environment friendliness?

If you are interested in purchasing a cardboard baler, come to our site, we deal in a wide range of balers.