Council Agenda: Wireless Antenna Appeal, Self-Closing Doors, Waste Management

Council Agenda: Wireless Antenna Appeal, Self-Closing Doors, Waste Management
Update regarding status of negotiations with Waste Management of Alameda County and request to initiate a competitive solicitation process for collection, processing and disposal of solid waste, recycling and organics materials.

Community recycling incentive scheme launches
A recycling incentive scheme, which rewards neighbourhoods for reducing waste, has officially launched in the London Borough of Bexley. MRW is the leading recycling and waste management publication with over 20000 readers each week.
Read more on Materials Recycling Week

Knoxville curbside recycling program kicks off today
"We're routinely recycling more of our waste than we're throwing away, which is great," Island Home resident Kurt Zinser said. Hoping to double the amount of waste recycled each year, officials plan to initially extend the program to include a total of
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