Reduce. Reuse. Rebox. Showing Appreciation for the Environment This Coming Earth Day

(PRWEB) March 17, 2011

With Earth Day coming up, one company continues to show its appreciation for the earth. It?s no secret; the environment is in constant need of innovative solutions to keep the planet clean, and every day people are faced with adopting practices that reduce their overall impact on the environment. So, how can one live lightly on the earth and save money at the same time? Rebox Corp has a perfect solution to going green and saving, and tackles the benefits of reusing cardboard boxes.

Rebox Corp., a Montreal-based company and a North American leader in used corrugated boxes, has had the planet in mind since it first started operations in 1990. Rebox provides an environmentally friendly and cost-efficient solution for companies that use cardboard boxes on a continuous basis.

Most companies that use cardboard boxes end up having to compact and bail their old boxes which makes them impossible to resell. Instead, Rebox acquires truckloads of used boxes that might otherwise be thrown away or recycled and sells the corrugated boxes to other companies that need to ship their goods.

Corrugated boxes can certainly be used more than once yet so many companies dispose of their boxes after just one use. While recycling paper products is great, reusing is even better as that requires less energy and resources. Reuse is often confused with recycling, but they differ in more ways than one. To reuse is to use an item more than once, either for the same function or for a new purpose. Reuse helps save time, money, energy, and resources; it reduces waste and supports a productive economy.

Quick Facts:

Each ton or reusable corrugated carton saves 4100 Kwh of electricity.
Each ton of reusable corrugated carton saves over 6,999 gallons of water.
One ton of reusable corrugated carton saves enough energy to power the average North American home for 6 months.
Each ton of reusable corrugated carton saves enough water to supply a family of 4 for an entire month.

This is the Rebox Corp. philosophy. Whether buying used boxes or selling used boxes, their easy-to-implement once-used corrugated cardboard box programs have made them the most trusted used box procurer and reseller in North America, preserving the environment one box at a time.

