Getting Rid of E-waste is Getting Easier By the Day

San Jose, Calif. (Vocus) March 31, 2008

The rapid growth of ASL GREENetwork?s GREENspot e-waste drop-off locations means that most Bay Area households are now within five miles of a facility where they can dispose of their e-waste for free. There are now 70 GREENspot e-waste drop-off locations, from Redding to Fresno, which means Northern Californians are now finding it easier than ever to find a place nearby where they can take their outmoded electronics, including old TVs, cell phones, audio-video components, computer equipment, microwave ovens, electronic equipment from offices and labs, and more.

The five most populous counties are extremely well served. In those counties, the proportion of households within five miles of an ASL GREENspot e-waste drop-off location is very high:

San Francisco county