Is this the new face of Global Warming Alarmists?

Question by 3DM: Is this the new face of Global Warming Alarmists?
WOW! Is this what goes through the minds of all those trumpeting global warming?

Dana said, “Why do people form an unshakable belief about a scientfic issue based on virtually no scientific information?

Do you ever feel like we’d be better off if certain people were tossed into a big meat grinder? Maybe we could make some jello out of them.”;_ylt=AsGYmJtePDYppTdIiwHI6UMS.Rd.;_ylv=3?qid=20070915114539AALKDM0

This sounds pretty much like your average fascist thought process – destroy all those with an opposing view. And this musing was done in public. You can only imagine what goes on when they are gathered in private, or worse yet, in the darker recesses of their minds.

I’m not sure how you can call this science, anymore, when the folks with post-graduate science degrees are talking this way. Where did we stumble off the path of reason, and how do we find a common ground to solve the very real environmental problems facing all of us?
No, Dana, I DO NOT think that you truly feel that way about people, and I apologize if it came across that way. But your joking around is the same kind of talk (joking that allows us to dehumanize) that has so deeply entrenched racism in the South for generations. As a “top contributor” in a forum that is visited by many easily-influenced teens, this is the kind of speech that can be dangerously misinterpreted. How often have we heard people wishing violence upon others who didn’t share the same opinions?

I’m not trying to single you out here, and I hope I’d do the same for any other top contributor who joked around in this way. I try to lighten the mood of this very important subject, quite often, but I hope that it avoids dangerously influencing others.

And Bob, I’m not equating Dana’s remarks to the science of AGW or GCC; I’m talking about the lack of science in the Q&A of Y!A. You’ve questioned it as has Dana – ironically in the very same question his statement came from.

Best answer:

Answer by dana1981
Geez dude, lighten up.

I can’t believe you didn’t get my jello joke. Either you’ve got no sense of humor or you’re a bit dense.

You also need to work on your reading comprehension. You’ll notice I didn’t say “we should grind up global warming deniers.” I asked “Do you ever feel like we’d be better off if certain people were tossed into a big meat grinder?”. Slight difference there.

If you’re going to purposefully misinterpret what I’m saying, at least don’t directly quote me first. It makes your dishonesty very transparent.

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