Municipal Solid Waste is defined by the United State Environmental Protection Agency as commonplace items that are used and then thrown away, such as packaging for products, grass clippings, clothing, bottles, food scraps and yard waste, newspapers, furniture, appliances, paint, and batteries. These items are used in our homes, places of business, schools, and hospitals.
In 2010, people in the United States generated close to 250 million tons of waste and recycled approximately 85 million tons of it, roughly equal to a 34% rate for recycling. Americans, on average, recycled or composted 1.51 pounds of individual waste for the 4.43 pounds of waste generated per person each day.
The EPA encourages individuals and businesses to adopt and steward practices that reduce the amount of waste generated daily through the establishment of waste prevention, recycling, and composting programs.
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Reducing your generated waste reduces your expenditures every month. We specialize in waste processing, cost-reduction, and waste recycling solutions through the use of innovative products, streamlining, and better resource utilization. Visit our website to see more our of innovative and affordable waste recycling solutions.