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For helpful Waste Recycling related articles, topics and general reference material such as the information below click here |
Plastic makes
up a large part of the municipal solid waste stream.
While most plastic is found in containers and packaging,
plastic can also be used in appliances, furniture, medical
devices, and office supplies.
Like other
types of recycling, plastic recycling conserves energy, reduces
waste sent to landfills, and enables more cost efficient
production of new plastic products.
Millions of tons of plastic are produced annually.
If disposed in landfills, plastic bottles take over 500
years to decompose.
Recycling Process
At the
processing facility, plastics are sorted by type, baled, and
shipped to another facility.
Here, plastics are cleaned and ground into flakes.
Contaminants are then removed from the flakes using a flotation
tank. The remaining
flakes are melted and made into pellets, which are shipped to be
re-made into a new product.
Identification Codes
Each plastic
product is given a resin identification code, which is used to
determine one type of plastic from another.
In many areas, collectors will only accept certain types
of plastic. The
numbers below signify the following types of resin.
(Polyethylene terephthalate) – Water and soda bottles, peanut
butter jars, salad dressing, and other narrow neck containers
are made with PET.
PET is a tough plastic and shatter-resistant.
After recycling, PET recyclables become t-shirts,
insulation, or tennis balls.
(High-density polyethylene) – A flexible and often translucent
plastic, HDPE is used for milk and water jugs, butter tubs,
medicine bottles, and detergent bottles. Recycled HDPE is used
to manufacture plastic lumber, trashcans, toys, and buckets.
chloride) – Because of its resistance to chemicals, vinyl
composes shampoo bottles, cooking oil bottles, and salad
dressing. Processed
and recycled vinyl can become floor mats, irrigation pipes,
hoses, or electrical cord wrapping.
(Low density polyethylene) – Flexible and strong, LDPE is used
for food storage containers, dry cleaning bags, bread bags, and
grocery bags. LDPE
can be used in the production of new grocery bags, garbage
liners, or even lawn furniture.
PP (Polypropylene) – Chemical and heat resistant, PP can
be found in medicine bottles, reusable plastic cups, yogurt
containers, and nursery pots.
PP can be recycled into lawn mower wheels, ice scrapers,
paint buckets, or fibers for blanket and coat filler.
PS (Polystyrene) – PS appears brittle and foam-like and
is found in packing materials, disposable hot cups, and meat
packing trays. These
items can be recycled to CD cases, rulers, insulation, or food
service trays.
– Products marked with this code are usually comprised of a
several types of plastics.
Though recycling may be difficult due to the inability to
separate the plastics from one another, other plastics could be
recycled into pens, concrete supports, or ice scrapers.
plastics vary among different areas, so check with your local
collector or recycler for specific guidelines.
Plastic grocery
bags – Because of handling, collectors may not accept these
curbside. Often
local grocers themselves collect used plastic bags for
Containers that
held motor oil, pesticides, or other hazardous materials will
not be accepted.
Lids may not be
accepted curbside due to their small size, which makes sorting
Other questionable items include:
Food trays from
delis, snack foods, or microwaveable meals
products |
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