WasteCare Corporation - Trash Compactors, Balers, Recycling Equipment, Waste Equipment and Related Products



Waste Recycling Equipment, Products, Services, Information and Related Resources


Jackson Waste Recycling

For local help on Waste Recycling Equipment, Products and Services in Jackson and surrounding areas check out the links below. You can find a large variety of Trash Compactors, Balers, Crushers, Shredders, Grinders, Densifiers and many other waste recycling related resources.   If you know of some special Waste Recycling deals in the Jackson area, please email us at info@wastecare.com and we will consider adding it to our website.


What's new with Waste Recycling in Jackson


Jackson Balers

Jackson Indoor Waste Compactors

Jackson Outdoor Trash Compactors

Jackson Bulb / Lamp Crushers

Jackson Grinders and Shredders

Jackson Densifiers

Jackson Waste Recycling Specialty Products

Jackson Waste Recycling Services

Jackson Waste Recycling Information Resources


For Waste Recycling related Classifieds and Auctions in the Jackson Area ...

visit > > WasteCare's Exchange.  The listings are free


For helpful Waste Recycling related articles, topics and general reference material such as the information below  click here



Buying Recycled Products

1.      Buying recycled products is part of a good recycling program. Promoting the purchase of recycled materials will in turn drive those markets, therefore creating a better market to sell your recycled materials in. This benefits all parties and helps save resources and money and protects the environment.

2.      Some states require that businesses buy recycled products but the amount of material that has to be contained in products for them to be considered recycled varies from state to state.

3.      Recycled products are readily available when searching for the internet. Some companies sell recycled products, but you can also join a waste exchange program if one is available in your area.

4.      In the past, recycled products had higher prices but those have been coming down in recent years. Now, many recycled products can be bought for less money than non-recycled products.

5.      Generally, recycled products are just as high-quality as non-recycled products. If you are hesitant about using a certain recycled product in your business, buy a small amount and test it out before deciding whether to purchase more.

6.      Starting a program to purchase recycled products could be met with some opposition by other people in the company. Ensure that you have plenty of proof to back up your claims about recycled products so you can convince them of the program’s worth.

7.      Once you get past the opposition, form a group made up of the areas of the company that will be buying or using the recycled products. This group of people can set standards that they will then test the materials on during use.

8.      Decide on the items to buy with your purchasing committee. If you intend on buying many recycled products, consider buying in bulk to receive better prices and quality.

9.      Compare the items you intend on buying with the specifications and standards that your purchasing group previously came up with.

10.   Take product life into account when comparing products. Some recycled products won’t last as well as non-recycled products in the long-term. In cases like that, it may be better just to buy non-recycled for those specific products if they need to last awhile.

11.   How will you recycle the products once you’re finished with them? Consider the differences in recycling or disposing of the recycled materials and non-recycled materials once you’re finished using them.

12.   Do your research before buying recycled products if you want to get the best deal. New places to buy recycled open up every day and the only way to keep up with this is by staying informed.

13.   Work with vendors who you can trust and make sure the products you’re buying are actually recycled. Ask for proof of recycled content when buying.

14.   Technology is always changing and new recycled products become available all the time. Keep up with changes in the marketplace and, if there’s something you want to buy recycled but can’t, check back later to see if it’s possible.

15.   A few common, but high-quality, recycled products you can easily find and purchase are: toilet paper, tissues, paper towels, writing paper/envelopes, motor oil, carpet, and cardboard. Certain construction products, such as insulation, drywall, and paving, are also available.


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