Keeping School Buildings Healthy And Green

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is providing information and resources to municipalities, school administrators, and school building facilities managers on how to create and maintain an environmentally friendly and healthy school environments.

Called “Lessons for a Green and Healthy School,” this exhibit and corresponding materials outlines best-practice techniques for obtaining a green-efficient and healthy school building environment.

The display and program provides information about the EPA’s recommended strategies, resources, and programs that serve to protect the health of teachers, staff, and students during the hours when they are in school. It is estimated that more than twenty five percent of total weekly hours are spent in a school building for those involved with education and an unhealthy environment can contribute to illness and long-term health problems. Schools that have healthy heating, cooling, and lighting arrangements have been shown to help to promote the development of children and learning.

The EPA is providing information and resources in five different categories. These include:

  1. energy efficiency,
  2. integrated pest management,
  3. air quality,
  4. storm water management, and
  5. green cleaning materials.

Schools can opt to participate in all areas or select those that present the most crititcal need to their school building or district. EPA national programs such as Tools for Schools; Design for the Environment, and Energy Star are also featured in the program with information about how schools can join and take advantage of additional resources.

WasteCare Wants You to Remember: A healthy building not only means healthy, productive employees but it also means reduced costs in energy use, heating and cooling, and payroll loss due to sickness or poor working conditions. Making simple changes can result in big improvements and potential profits!