Earlier in 2012, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) started the electronics recycling challenge, aimed at increasing the number of computers, cell phones, and other electronics and media devices, being recycled properly and safely. Many of the nation’s most popular electronics manufacturers and retailers immediately signed up and agreed to participate. Best Buy, LG Electronics, Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp Electronics, Sprint Nextel, Staples, Dell, Sony, and Nokia are all participants.
However, two of the largest names in the electronics industry did not agree to join – Apple and Hewlett-Packard (HP). The products they make – from the iPad to the iPhone to printers and computers, can be found in nearly every home or business. While both companies have refused to comment on their refusal to join, it is expected that the the companies’ took issue with the challenges requirement to only utilize R2 or e-Stewards certified electronics recyclers and that outcome data be shared with the EPA and the public.
Despite their refusal to participate, both brands do currently offer recycling programs for their products and will continue to work with the EPA to help address the concerns of environmental impacts caused by e-waste.
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Recycling your businesses e-waste is an important concern – heavy fines await you if you try to dispose of computers improperly. Making sure the brand you buy has an established and convenient recycling program is something worth considering!