In a new waste recycling decision, over half a million tons of sewage sludge, also referred to as biosolids, from Southern California will be transported to a composting facility in the San Joaquin Valley.
The Westlake Farms Composting Facility will process the biosolids along with waste and debris from area farms. The farmland, which spans almost fifteen thousand acres, is owned and operated by the Los Angeles Sanitation District.
The project will begin by composting approximately 100,000 tons of sewage sludge annually and then progress to over a million tons of anaerobically digested biosolids and green waste. It is expected that the project will yield over 300,000 tons of compost yearly that can then be sold as a nutrient to help crops such as wheat, cotton, pomegranate, and pistachio.
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Biosolid waste is a fact of life and is in a never ending supply. When you think of innovative ways to recycle to reuse, you turn a financial liability into a financial asset. What is your community doing with biosolids?