The Houston, Texas Solid Waste Management Department will begin offering residents the opportunity to recycle clean, No. 6 polystyrene foam at their facility due to the purchase of a specialized foam compactor and densifer designed for the material. The recycled foam will then be sold to companies manufacturing recycled products from polystyrene. This new recycling initiative is the first of its kind in the eastern Texas area and it is expected that the sale of the compacted foam will be an additional revenue stream for the municipality.
The compactor was donated to the city by Total Petrochemicals & Refining USA Inc. (TPRI) and will be housed at the Westpark Recycling Center. Over 11,000 reidents current deliver recycling to this facility. TPRI is an American polystyrene manufacturer based in Houston.
Polystyrene foam has long been used in packing materials as it’s comprised of 98% air. However, the quality that makes it ideal for shipping and packaging also makes it difficult to transport resulting in landfill disposal. The new compactor will make the recycling of the foam easier to transport and sell.
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Whether your’re a manufacturer or a local government, it pays to think of waste recycling and disposal solutions that can both improve your reputation while improving the environment!