Are you in need of a refresher course in Industrial Waste Management? Take some time to review the EPA’s comprehensive management guide. Over eight billion tons of industrial waste is generated and disposed of each year by American facilities representing close to twenty industry sectors. The waste includes a full range of inorganic and organic chemicals, primary steel and iron, resin and plastics, stone, clay, concrete and glass, paper and pulp, and food products.
The Guide is designed to provide facility managers, tribal and state regulators, and the general public with ideas and resources to make best-practice decisions regarding the management and disposal of non-hazardous industrial wastes. The Guide assists facility managers in making environmentally-conscious operations choices while working in collaboration with tribal and tribal regulators and the general public. For regulators at the state or tribal level, the Guide provides a useful reference tool that can be used to provide extra value to pre-existing waste management programs in their area. The general public is also encouraged to utilize the information in the Guide as a mechanism to become better informed about waste management issues at the local, state, and national levels.
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Ignorance is never an excuse for a poor outcome. Whether you’re in waste management, government, or a concerned citizen, learn the facts about industrial waste and apply them to what is happening in your business, state, or community.