Need a few more reasons why you should go “green” when building your next home or industrial/commercial project? Take a look at the statistics presented by the Environmental Protection Agency:
In the US alone, our buildings are responsible for:
- 39% of all energy use,
- 12% of all water use,
- 68% of all electricity use, and
- 38% of all carbon dioxide emissions.
By employing building practices that incorporate sustainability and energy reduction, both builders and owners will benefit from the building’s cost- and environmental-savings performance. Sustainable construction practices can be integrated at any and all stages, starting with design and construction, as well as renovation and demolition or deconstruction. Here are just a few of the benefits that sustainable building practices bring about: :
- Protect our biodiversity and ecosystems by reducing waste and the strain on natural resources.
- Reduce costs to operate by lowering utility bills.
- Expands and shapes the new “green” economy helping to employ Americans.
- Contribute to the heath and well-being of residents and workers by enhancing their quality of life.
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Using sustainable building techniques is important for both today and tomorrow. Before your next building project take at look at some of the options available you and your client will be pleasantly surprised at how easy and affordable “going green” can be!