Energy Star and Small Businesses

If you own a commercial property for your business, you need lighting, heating, air conditioning, power for office equipment, and other services to stay in business. While most people associate Energy Star with energy efficiency ratings for appliances, less know about the energy assistance they can provide small and medium-sized businesses.

What kind of businesses can Energy Star assist? Auto Dealers, Lodging and Accomodations, Home Based Businesses, Grocery & Convenience Stores, General Office, Healthcare, Restaurants, Rental Property Management, Service & Product Providers, Retail, and Small and Medium Sized Manufacturers. If you’re in business, Energy Star can help you!

Energy Star resources will help you to:

  1. Understand successful energy management
  2. Scale energy management for your business
  3. Locate energy savings
  4. Identify assistance programs and resources to reduce costs
  5. Communicate energy saving practices to customers and employees

What can your business expect from Energy Star?

  • Unbiased information that is free and accurate.
  • Technical support
  • A “How-to” guide for analyzing and upgrading your facility
  • A Building Upgrade Manual
  • Examples of Success Stories
  • Information about ENERGY STAR products
  • Public relations materials to promote your efforts
  • Expert help from Professional Engineers or Service & Product Providers

WasteCare Wants You to Remember: If you’re a small business owner, ever dollar counts. Learn how to reduce your energy usage and save money in both the short and long term with Energy Star!