Global office supplies retailers, Staples Inc., has long had a very successful business to consumer recycling program for unwanted or unusable electronics. Now, the company is launching a new initiative designed for businesses for all sizes looking to safely and securely dispose of e-waste.
The Framingham, Massachusetts based Staples has formed a partnership with Fresco, California based Electronic Recyclers International Inc. to create the Staples Advantage Technology Recycling Service. The new service will allow for businesses of all sizes to easily recycle electronics waste including items such as cell phones, munti-function printers and copiers, tele-communication equipment, computer equipment and peripheries such as keyboards through a simple, three step process.
Utilizing the Staples Advantage website, businesses can now order specialized recycling boxes for their unwanted electronics items, ship the items to Staples using a special label, and then, once items have been received, be sent a recycling certificate ensuring that items have been safely and properly recycled using standards set by the Basel Action Network for responsible e-waste recycling.
The benefits of recycling through the Technology Recycling Service includes environmental compliance and guaranteed data destruction by trained professionals at Electronics Recyclers International.
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Regardless of your company’s size, electronics waste can take up a significant amount of space – and can be very difficult to recycle or dispose of properly. If you’re finding that old computers, telephone equipment, and other peripherals are taking up space, it might be worth your time to exploring e-waste recycling options.Whether it’s a national program like Staples Advantage, or a local collection set up by your local transfer station or town hall, you’ll be able to reclaim office space while being environmentally responsible when you dispose of e-waste in an approved and safe manner.