The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has created a new Resource Directory for “Green Sports” aimed at helping sports teams, athletic facilitates and both professional and recreational leagues tips and strategies for reducing energy and waste.
The resource directory provides information on how to reduce the negative environmental impact sports and sports fan can cause and participate in federal and state programs through the Green Sports Alliance that help teams and venues reduce the amount of energy and water used and trash that must be disposed of. The new directory is divided into categories with resources for improving waste management, energy conservation, water conservation, and other environmentally friendly practices ideal for athletic teams and facilities.
Green Sports will also share success stories of successful cost and energy saving plans to serve as an example to those teams and clubs looking to establish a winning game plan. The Green Sports Alliance currently has one hundred and eighty members. Participants range from professional and collegiate teams and athletic venues and stadiums throughout the nation.
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: If you are responsible for maintaining sports and recreation grounds, take some time and look at the tips and suggestions provided by the Green Sports Alliance. Whether the teams that use your space are Little or Big League-rs, saving money on waste disposal fees is always a winning strategy!