Electronics Waste Recycling Improves in Illinois

On January 1 of 2012 the state of Illinois imposed a ban on disposing unwanted, out dated, and broken electronic devices in state landfills. Instead, all residents and businesses would have to recycle their e-waste through special collections dates or through their party locations such as office supply store and retailers. After a full year of data collection on outcomes of the policy change, the state’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that slightly over forty two million pounds of electronic material were recycled.

In addition to residents an businesses, electronics manufacturers operating in the state of Illinois were also challenged to meet recycling goals for their materials. Of the seventy seven manufacturers, seventy two met or surpassed their stated sustainability goals. The top awards went to Hewlett-Packard (HP), Samsung, Best Buy, and Panasonic. Collective these four companies recycled almost twenty million pounds of electronic waste materials.

As a result of the participation levels, the Illinois EPA reported that the target recycling goal was surpassed by almost three million pounds. Not a bad accomplishment for the first year!

WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Why pay money to dispose of you electronics waste in a landfill (if you live or work in a state where it’s still allowed) when you can save money and help the environment by recycling or donating? Take a moment a look for a certified e-waste recycler in your area and learn what unwanted products they can take out of your closet or storage room!