Sand and Gravel Facility Pays Fines

A Columbia, New Hampshire sand and gravel business has been required by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to pay fines for violating the Clean Water Act. CSG Holdings recently paid one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in response to claims that the business’s facility was negligent in releasing polluted storm-water from its industrial operations into nearby waterways including the Connecticut River.

The EPA also charged that the business was discharging water without first obtaining the required permits and did not have sufficient plans and monitoring in place for spill prevention and control of heavy solids, often found in sand and gravel, being released into the water.

The Clean Water Act requires businesses such as CSG to obtain permits and have safety controls and training in place for monitoring outputs. Without such policies, the high levels of sand and gravel entering the waterways can change the environmental composition of rivers, result in beach closings due to pollution, and negatively impact fishing and other wildlife.

The EPA makes resources available to all industrial and construction facilities to help that stay in compliance when it comes to storm water regulations. Materials can be found on the national website for the EPA or through each state’s department of environmental regulation.

WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Compliance with the Clear Water Act isn’t a choice – it’s a requirement. You might think you can save a few dollars by disposing of your industrial waste in other ways, but once you’re caught big fines and negative publicity await you!