Landfills are often thought of in negative terms by the general public but some forward-thinking managers at landfills are looking to change how their neighbors and community members see them.
Common issues such as control of odor, noise, proper visual screening and storm water are done not only to be a good neighbor but also to avoid financial penalties from local, state, or federal governments. All of these factors are highly regulated and leave landfills little room for deviation from the rules.
However, taking a few extra steps to reach out to the community can reap additional benefits and goodwill. The R-Board Landfill in Stafford County, Virginia, recently opened its facilities to host free composting classes to interested members of the community it serves. Landfill administrators estimate that the eight hundred graduates from the composting program who have diverted over one hundred tons of organic waste material. In addition to the twice yearly composting classes, the landfill also provides tours to anyone interested in learning more about facility operations. The tours have become a popular activity for scouting groups, science classes and school groups, and individuals wanting to understand how waste management and recycling works.
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: How well are you communicating to your clients about what happens to their material waste? Making an extra effort to explain and show your process to the public can change perceptions and possible help to bring you additional business!