A manufacturer of HDPE milk bottles in the United Kingdom, Nampak Plastics, has recently reported that it has achieved its goal of becoming a zero-materials-to-landfill business. In 2009, the year that the goal was but into place, the organization was waste recycling 90% of its total waste product. Through an organization-wide communication and awareness plan, the percentage of waste disposal to recycling or reuse was tracked monthly so that all employees and stakeholders could see the progress that was being made.
Much of the success can be attributed to Nampak’s ‘Carbon Champions’ – employees that had been selected at each of the company’s nine locations and held the day-to-day responsibilities for making sure all possible waste recycling and recovery practices were being used.
The company is already known for its environmentally-friendly use of lightweight, innovative packaging and utilizing manufacturing processes that reduce the impact on the community. Achieving the ‘Zero-to-Landfill’ compliance certificate is another step in Nampak’s business plan of being the most environmentally sustainable business that it can be.
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Achieving Zero-to-Landfill goals like Nampak’s aren’t impossible when you enlist the support and engagement of your community, employees, or family members. Regularly tracking and monitoring your waste recycling progress is key to success!