Hermosa Beach, California is expected to become the state’s sixty-fifth city to enact a ban on polystyrene food containers.
The new rule will also include polystyrene packaging used by supermarkets for food items including rotisserie chickens, individual deserts, and packages of muffins. The California Grocers Association is concerned that the inclusion of these types of packages will cause hardships for grocery store owners. Currently, the clear polystyrene packaging used for food is recyclable unlike its styrofoam counterpart which is primarily used by restaurants.
The Hermosa Beach city council, which has a population of 20,000, is convinced that grocery stores in the area have access to affordable, alternative materials such as PET and polyethylene packaging to replace the clear food containers. Currently, one-third of the polystyrene bans in the state include the clear polystyrene packaging.
The new rule is expected to being in March 2013 and will include polystyrene plates, bowls, trays, wrappings, condiment containers and cartons, and cups — but it does not apply to cup lids, straws, utensils or packaging used for uncooked fish, poultry, or meat.
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: As a business owner it pays to be ahead of the trends. When was the last time you looked at pricing for more environmentally friendly containers? You may find that going green is easier on your budget than you expected!