Starting a plan to reduce, re-use, and recycle doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. Whether you’re trying to implement a program at work or home (or both!) here are a few simple ideas to get started:
1. Plant a garden. Either in the ground or in containers. This can be done regardless of the size of your yard. All you need is a little space outdoors with some sunshine!
2. We’ve all heard of designated drivers but how about designated recyclers? At your next party or function identify a person who will serve to ensure that plastic or glass is recycled properly (and if you’re in a place where there’s a redemption credit you’ll get some money back!).
3. Don’t let cold water go to waste. Capture it to use for pets, plants, or for later drinking.
4. Try the no-trash lunch. Bringing meals from home is a great, money-saving idea but take it a bit further by replacing paper bags with reusable sacks, cutlery, and containers.
5. Before buying new, see if there’s a refurbished option. Many electronic and appliance vendors sell these items with a full warranty but at substantial savings.
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: When you make recycling fun and innovative the people around you want to get involved. The more you reduce, re-use, and recycle, the more money you’ll save as well. This helps not only the environment but your home or business as well!