While many people make an effort to reuse, reduce, and recycle at home they often forget that many of the same practices can be successfully employed at work. Here are some tips to help you “green” your business or workplace:
- Use Energy Star to guide your purchasing decisions for appliances, light-bulbs, and other equipment. If you have a refrigerator or microwave in your break room, don’t just buy the cheapest model! In the long run you can SAVE money on utilities cost by purchasing an affordable Energy Star compliant appliance.
- Think about the temperature. Businesses use considerable amounts of electricity for heat and air conditioning, lighting and equipment use. Establish shut down policies for non-essential equipment and set thermostats at a reasonable temperature.
- Do a little research! See what other businesses offer employees for environmentally friendly practices. This could be discounted public transportation passes, tele-commuting, ride-sharing, and incentives for reducing energy consumption and costs.
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Waste and energy impact every businesses bottom-line. With input from your employees you can come up with ways to go green and save green!