Certification for E-Recyclers

Businesses that are focused on electronics recycling should consider securing certification through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by utilizing a independent, third-party auditor to show that national safety and management standards are upheld. There are two accredited certifications that businesses can pursue: e-Stewards® and Responsible Recycling Practices. These certifications are used to assist consumers with selecting certified e-recyclers.

What are the benefits of certification and utilizing best practices in safety and management of e-waste?

  • Reducing human health and environmental impacts from incorrect recycling of e-waste;
  • Increasing availability and access to quality re-used electronics to those in need;
  • Reducing the negative environmental impact associated with mining for raw materials used in electronics and conserving natural resources.

Certification programs call for best practices and offer businesses and opportunity to evaluate their worker health, environmental, and safety practices in dealing with e-waste. Both certification programs are are focused on maximizing environmental standards for reuse and recycling and require complete removal and destruction of all information left on used electronics.

Consumers can trust certified e-recyclers as they have demonstrated to the independent certifying body that they consistently meet high standards for safely and management of pre-owned electronics. A national certification accreditation board oversees certifying bodies to ensure they qualified to audit and meet their specific responsibilities.

WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Certification not only helps your business to stand out from competitors but it also helps to ensure that you’re following the best possible practices. That not only saves you money but helps to save the environment as well!