More so than any other material that Americans throw away, paper makes up twenty-nine percent of all municipal solid waste. However, making an effort to recycle paper can drastically reduce the overall amount of solid waste generated. The Environmental Protection Agency provides details and guidelines on recycling paper for professional recyclers, teachers, citizens, students, and individuals involved in the paper industry.
While Americans recycled sixty-three percent of all paper used in 2010, this number can be improved. Recycling reduces landfill space and greenhouse gasses, and preserves the environment. An overwhelming majority of America’s paper mills are equipped to use paper collected via recycling programs, and they rely on recycling to provide the raw materials needed to make new paper.
When trees are felled for the paper industry, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere contributing to greenhouses gasses. These gasses can only be removed when the rate of carbon absorption is great than the carbon dioxide emission rate.
What are some of the key benefits of recycling paper? If 1 ton of paper was recycled it would:
- Provide enough power to supply a home for six months
- Save water in excess of seven thousand gallons
- Preserve 3.3 cubic yards in a landfill
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1 metric ton of carbon equivalent (MTCE)
WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Paper recycling is one of the easiest and most efficient things you business can do to save money and the environment. It’s never too late to start or improve your recycling program.